Karpychev V., Bolgina T., Malyutina S., Zinchenko V., Ushakov V., Ignatyev G., Dragoy O. No Association Between Structural Properties of Corpus Callosum and Handedness: Evidence from the Constrained Spherical Deconvolution Approach // The Russian Journal of Cognitive Science. 2020, vol. 7 (3), pp. 68–77
DOI 10.47010/20.3.4
- 25.05.2021
- 516
- 357
Karpychev V., Bolgina T., Malyutina S., Zinchenko V., Ushakov V., Ignatyev G., Dragoy O. No Association Between Structural Properties of Corpus Callosum and Handedness: Evidence from the Constrained Spherical Deconvolution Approach // The Russian Journal
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